ISA-L - N° 20.99 Porte ouverte

Artist The prices of ISA-L / All the artworks on the Marketplace
Type of Artwork Original artwork
Title N° 20.99 Porte ouverte
Year 2021
Category Painting
Medium Mixed media
Signature lower right
Size of the artwork
59.06 x 19.69 x 1.18 in
150 x 50 x 3 cm
Certificate issued by ISA-L
Invoice issued by ISA-L
Condition excellent

Technique mixte sur toile, peinture acrylique et aérosol. Fond bleu/beige/rose clair.
Quand on ouvre les portes aux improbables, tout peut arriver ! il suffit d’avancer vers ce que l’on n’a pas encore vécu et accepter une autre vision des choses. Allez courage !

Lot # 2782913
Seller status Private seller
Cost Shipping and delivery to be paid for by the buyer
Shipping cost 300
Deliver to addressee in person Delivery to the addressee in person within 200 km
Insurance Yes
Number of parcels 1
Weight 3.0
Additional information

Livraison gratuite pour la France.

Starting bid
5,000 €
5,000 € (5,424 $)
5,000 € (4,260 £)
5,000 € (39,238 ¥)
Auction starts on 05 Jun 2024 06:00